Concealed Weapons Course
This fundamentals course is designed for individuals who wish to obtain a lawful means of self-defense and the ability to meet the necessary state requirements to obtain a concealed weapons license.
Designed to accommodate students from the true beginner to those familiar with the safe operation and handling of firearms the course leads you through each step of proficiency building skills and knowledge, along with the confidence required to safely discharge your firearm, and remain on the right side of the law both in and out of violent encounter scenarios.
This is accomplished by two distinct phases of the course first an in classroom setting which explicitly prohibits the presence of live ammunition. In this phase students will learn the safe handling of firearms, Federal, State and Local laws pertaining to carrying concealed, justifiable use of force, and the castle doctrine. Once you and your instructor are comfortable with your proficiency of the safe firearm handling techniques the course transitions to phase two, where the practical application of those skills are put into practice on a live fire range with live ammunition, and further development of the skills via coaching takes place.
The course is taught by our nationally accredited NRA Certified instructors, and blends in the necessary skills, attitude and legal aspects as well as the responsibilities you assume when making the decision to legally arm yourself for the purpose of lawful self-defense. Upon successful completion of this course the student will possess the fundamental necessities and meet the training requirements to apply for a concealed weapons permit.
If interested in this course, please Contact Us.